1. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance 00:06:13
2. Agenda and Minutes 00:09:15
8.A. Golf Course Zoning District Appeal 00:11:33
3. Awards and Recognitions 00:12:35
7. Public COmment on General Topics 00:19:39
10.A. At-Large Commission District Referendum 00:47:32
8.A. Neighborhood Fitness and Community Center 02:25:33
9.D. LDC Food Truck Amendment 05:50:25
10.B. McDowell Housing Partners Reconsideration 06:11:13
13.A. Value Adjustment Board Appointments 08:19:26
11.A. Rural Neighborhood, Inc. Finance Extension 08:20:47
15.A> Public Comment on General Topics 08:21:47
15.C. Staff & Commission Communications 08:25:18