1.. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance 00:05:50
2. Agenda and Minutes 00:07:34
3. Service Awards 00:14:06
4.A. Know Your County Government Proclamation 00:17:56
4.B. Red Cross Month Proclamation 00:21:36
4.C. Family Abduction Awareness Day Proclamation 00:24:17
5.A. "The Gate" Arthrex Golf Course Update 00:27:32
7. Public Comments on General Topics 00:36:39
8.A. Communications Tower Variance 01:01:52
10.A. Pedestrian Safety Ordinance Amendment 02:37:05
13.A. Annual Comprehensive Financial Report 02:46:36
10.B. SWFL Regional Planning Council Payment 04:34:53
11.A. Traffic Signal Agreement 05:00:34
11.B. Various Types of Insurance Policies 05:08:51
11.C. Confirm Staff Assignments 05:09:31
12.A. East of 951 Ad Hoc Committee 05:22:25
15.B. Staff Project Updates 05:25:12